Company details
Business name Electric Star Liverpool Street
Proposer name Mr Steve Macri
Proposer is
Business address 359 Bethnal Green Rd

E2 6LG
Telephone number 07815855641
Email address
Company number/type 08841329
Started trading 09/2022
Current turnover 0
Projected turnover 1500000
Company sector / SIC Hospitality | Public houses and bars 56302
Activity details Pub serving food.
Export trade EU export0% | ROW export 0%
Credit score 65
Sanctions none
Public and Products liability insurance
Cover required Premium
£5,000,000 £525.00
Employers' liability insurance
Cover required Premium
Clerical wageroll £0 £0.00
Retail wageroll £200000 £600.00
Manual wageroll £0 £0.00
Offsite wageroll £0 £0.00
Contents insurance Premium
Fixtures and fittings £3000000 £7,500.00
Computers, mobiles and laptops £30000 £375.00
Attractive stock £7500 £56.25
Perishable stock £0 £0.00
Other stock £20000 £50.00
Forklift trucks £0 £0.00
Non ferrous metal £0 £0.00
Money £75.00
Business interruption insurance premium
Business interruption £1,500.00
Business interruption insurance details
Indemnity period 12 months
Loss of license £100.00
Total premium
Please add any additional notes here